
Season one tackles the issue of teshuva, or repentance. How do I move on when the person who’s hurt me didn’t really apologize? How can I relate to someone whose past haunts me? Is it even possible to truly transform myself? What tools do I need in order to begin a process of honest introspection? How can I offer an apology that allows me to repair a damaged relationship?

This world lies, all the time. We make assumptions about people from their outward appearance, be it the color of their skin or the shape of their body. We smile and pretend that we’re fine when inside we’re carrying deep pain. We assume that financial contributions correspond to a generosity of spirit. We conflate markers of external success with happiness. We craft an image of ourselves for the world to consume. Words and images are thrown every which way, and truth is so hard to come by. How can we live in this world without giving in to its lies?